Dividends - Shares Shareholders | Hankook Tire Global go to main dev

Shares & Shareholders

Dividend status

(Unit: 100 won)

  • 400
  • 400
  • 440
  • 550
  • 650

Dividend details

(Par value per share: 500 KRW)
  • Classification Par value per share (KRW) (Consolidated) net profit during the term (million KRW) (Separate) net profit during the term (million KRW) (Consolidated) earnings per share (KRW) Total cash dividends (KRW million) (Consolidated)Cash Dividend Rate(%) Cash Dividend Rate(%)Ordinary shares Cash Dividend Per Share
    Ordinary shares
  • 2016 500 872,851 424,956 7,047 49,541 5.7 0.7 400
  • 2017 500 599,064 289,438 4,837 49,541 8.3 0.7 400
  • 2018 500 522,215 243,936 4,216 55,734 10.7 1.1 450
  • 2019 500 419,513 241,218 3,387 68,119 16.2 1.6 550
  • 2020 500 372,337 87,353 3,032 79,293 21.3 1.6 650

IR personnel and contact information

Personnel in charge: Senior Staff Lisa Choe / Email: lisachoe@hakookn.com / Main number: +82-31-5178-7000