Our innovation for ‘Intelligence’ to connect everything as one will lead to innovation for future-oriented driving experiences.
Tire as a Service
Tires provide us with “feet” to run on the road and “eyes” to sense the information right there below us. We focus on developing real-time data collection and analysis technology, which can span anywhere from key tire performance data to the classification of types of roads and any hazards along them, and on generating meaningful information in so doing.

Tire Sensing Technology
We like to refer to the tires we study as living, breathing tires. Tire sensing technology uses sensors mounted on tires to gather any and all data on road conditions, including but not limited to air pressure, temperature, weight and speed.
The future will soon find tires to essentially play the part of a car’s sensory organ. Tire sensing technology will evolve to identify a whole gamut of information - from the temperature and pressure of tires to an analysis of their overall condition. We are developing strategies with this goal of future-driven technology in mind.

Hankook Tire collaborates with a variety of partners to quickly internalize technology and build infrastructure.
Collaboration Case
Learn more about our R&D projects undertaken in partnership with a variety of high-tech companies. Such collaborations support our effort to form organic partnerships and generate noteworthy outcomes.