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Hankook Tire & Technology-Help & Support-Tire Guide-Warranty-Tire Warranty


Tyre Warranty

Our quality policy for guaranteeing customers’ safety. Hankook is constantly striving to ensure the highest quality products.

Replacement Warranty (Passenger Car/VAN & Transporter)


This warranty standard only applies to the original purchaser of any new tyre manufactured by Hankook Tire UK Limited. Eligible tyres shall be used on the vehicle on which they were installed according to the vehicle manufacturer’s or Hankook’s recommendation.

What is Covered and for How Long

1. Warranty validity

This warranty is valid that any new Hankook passenger and light truck tyre removed from service due to a covered warranty condition until the minimum tread depth index TWI* is reached or service period which assigned by each country, whichever comes first.

2. Condition of claim inspection

  • To report a claim on the form provided from the manufacturer or the authorised dealer.
  • Deliver claim product.
  • Submission of the evidence of purchasing or warranty card. In the case of OE users only the car warranty book is required.
  • Each claim can only be examined by Hankook or Hankook’s authorised dealer.
  • In order to make a correct inspection by Hankook or by authorised dealer, the user is obliged to :
    Deliver the product to one of the service points including the rim on which it was used if the tyre fault is visible only after filling it with the air.
* TWI (Tread Wear Indicator) : Minimum tread depth to use by law (1.6 mm).

3. Compensation Method Hankook Tyre compensate the claimed tyre(s) based on prorated methods.

Remained value base on original tread depth.

Hankook will give compensation on the following conditions:

  • The amount of the credit will be determined by multiplying the actual dealer selling price for the tyre (excluding taxes) by the percentage of original tread depth remaining on the tyre.
  • Applicable taxes on the tyre and cost of mounting, balancing and any other charges in connection with the replacement of the tyre are required to be paid by the owner.
  • Hankook reserves the right to choose the method of the claim’s settlement which is either exchange of the product or cost of return based on compensation method. In cases where it is impossible to compensate by changing the product the same type, the customer has a right to receive a product of the same size with a different pattern or to obtain costs return.
  • The product, of which the claim was accepted and/or claim settlement was made in compensation method, becomes the property of Hankook.
  • All the cases not disputed by this warranty are examined according to the law of each country.

What is Not Covered

What is Not Covered

  • Time delays, temporary vehicle stoppage, discomfort or inconvenience related to claim submission, calling technical service, extra travel time, extra wages, vehicle downloading, hiring a substitute vehicle or vehicle reloading.
  • Any financial losses: profit, income, expected savings, company value losses etc.
  • Any other damages, losses and injuries caused directly or indirectly by product fault, assembly, mistakes or carelessness, or any mistake of providing tyre services.

The warranty does not cover the following:

  • Any products that were repaired regardless of method, scope of repair and person who made a repair.
  • Irregular wear or tyre damage due to:
  • Road hazards such as punctures, cuts, snags, scuffs, bulge, carcass bruised or impact breaks.
  • Fire, wreck, collision, contamination by chemicals or water / other material trapped inside the tyre during mounting or inflation.
  • Improperinflation,overloading,misuse,highspeedspinning,improper mounting or demounting, running flat, off-road use, racing, tyre chain damage, vandalism, accident, willful damage or abuse.
  • Misalignment, wheel imbalance, failure to rotate tyres as recommended in this manual or use of defective brakes or suspension components or other mechanical irregularities.
  • Tyre failure as a result of adding material. (e.g. tyre fillers, sealant, or balancing substances)
  • Continued use while flat or service in under inflation / over inflation or over load.
  • Runflat tyres only; Improper run-flat or low pressure operation without limitation. (e.g. exceeding speed, distance or other operation limitations)
  • Ozone or weather cracks on tyres over four (4) years from the date of manufacture and stock which is not stored in a correct manner.
  • With less than minimum tread wear of 1.6 mm.
  • Ride disturbance or vibration;
  • Due to damaged wheels or after the first 0.8 mm of tread wear. A set of four (4) tyres from the same vehicle
  • Any tyre that has been intentionally altered to change its appearance. (e.g. white inlay on a black tyre, re-grooved or retreaded, cosmetic dressings).
  • Tyres purchased as used.
  • Without the serial number or DOT (e.g. cut, buffed)
  • Tyres inflated with anything besides air or nitrogen.
  • No E-mark in tyre sidewall in countries where this is necessary by law.
  • Failure to follow any of the safety and care recommendations or warnings contained in this manual.

Owner’s General Obligation

The warranty does not cover compensation for:

In order to be eligible for Hankook’s Limited Warranty Policy, the owner must observe the following:

  • Present the tyre to an authorised Hankook dealer.
  • Submit / present a copy of original purchase receipt.
  • No claim will be considered unless it is submitted on a Hankook claim form or other recognised tyre industry SAF (Standard Application Form) which has been filled out and signed by the tyre(s) owner and authorised dealer.