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Hankook Tire Gives $15,000 to the American Red Cross to Help Nashville Tornado Victims

2020. 03. 09

NASHVILLE, Tenn. March 6, 2020 – ln the wake of the tornadoes that devasted parts of Nashville and Middle Tennessee in the early hours of Tuesday morning, Hankook Tire America Corp. today donated $15,000 to the American Red Cross for its disaster relief operations. Nashville and the Middle Tennessee region have been home for Hankook Tire's American headquarters since moving its headquarters to the state and opening its manufacturing plant in Clarksville in 2017. The American Headquarters’ office on Commerce Street is only a few blocks away from where the tornado left a path of destruction in East Nashville. Many Hankook employees live in East Nashville, Germantown and Mt. Juliet, which were some of the hardest hit areas.


“The people of Nashville, Middle Tennessee and some of our employees are hurting in the aftermath of this devastating tornado. We want to do our part to help those immediately who are in need,” said Soo ll Lee, President, Hankook Tire America Corp. “We want to do our part to help those who are in need and giving to the American Red Cross enables us to help those hurting as well as the community that we love.”


The American Red Cross went into action immediately after the tornadoes helping those who were affected by the storms by offering them hope, a safe place to recover, a warm meal and support as they move forward with their lives. The organization is also working tirelessly to assess the damage caused by the storms and once determined, they will have a clear picture to help victims pick up the pieces and begin the recovery process.


Hankook Tire has a long tradition of helping those need in Nashville and the state of Tennessee. Hankook’s commitment to the community in which it resides epitomizes the company’s core values and commitment to helping others through its corporate social responsibility mission which is Mobility, Military and Community. The American Red Cross’ mission aligns well with Hankook’s mission.


“We are grateful to Hankook for their support during this time of great need in our community,” said Michael Hare, Regional Philanthropy Officer at the American Red Cross. “Nashville is a strong and vibrant community and with Hankook’s generous donation, we will be able to help the victims of Tuesday's storm get back on their feet and on the road to recovery.”
